Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Website Users



RCM S.p.A. considers the privacy of its customers to be of fundamental importance and guarantees that personal data is processed by respecting data subjects’ rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data. In that regard, RCM S.p.A. has adopted and implemented a Privacy Policy for all that concerns its Website (and all services included in it) with reference to the processing of users’ personal data.

Please read this notice and periodically and carefully check it as to verify any updates or revisions that might be necessary.

EU regulation 2016/679 requires any company to inform the data subject about the different essential elements (specified in Arts. 13 and 14), regarding the processing of his/her Personal Data. This Company fully complies with the above and inform you of the following:


The Data Controller is the Company: RCM S.p.A.

Via G. Tiraboschi, no. 4  – 41043 Casinalbo (MO)

Tel: 059 – 515311 / e-mail:


The purpose of the processing refers to:

  • Managing the request for information regarding the service you have chosen, through the contact forms or via email.
  • The legitimate interest of the Data Controller, pursuant to Art. 6, par. 1, letter “f” of the Regulation.


– Navigation data –

During their normal operation, the IT systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated to identified subjects, still by its own very nature it could, through the processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This data is used with the sole purpose of getting anonymous statistic information on the use of the website, to monitor its proper operation, and is deleted immediately after being processed. The data may be used to check the responsibility in the event of hypothetical IT crimes against the website.

– Data provided voluntarily by the user –

The optional, explicit and voluntary submission of personal data to this site through the “Contacts”, “Request information”, “Work with us”, “Dealers”, “Global dealers”, “Contact us”, and “Subscribe to the Newsletter” forms, as well as the other channels indicated at the bottom of the page, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender address, necessary to respond to requests, and of any other personal data provided. Please refer to the website page dedicated to the above-mentioned service for details on this notice.


Your personal data will be retained for the time that is necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is collected or until your explicit cancellation request (see section “Data subject’s rights”). Throughout the retention period, your personal data will always be stored in compliance with the applicable legislation.


Your data will not be disseminated, which means that it will be not be disclosed in any way to unknown parties and will not be made available for them to consult.  In addition, we ensure that processing is carried out by minimising the use of personal data and identification data, and restricting it use to cases that are strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes for which it has been collected.

RCM S.p.a also ensures to adopt and comply with specific security measures to prevent data loss, and illegitimate or incorrect use. RCM S.p.A. will store the user’s data until the initial purposes have been fulfilled or the data subject requests its cancellation.


Pursuant to Arts. 15-22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the data subjects have the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of existence of their personal data and know its content and origin, check its accuracy or ask for its integration / update, or adjustment.

In addition, they have the right to ask for its cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block in the event of unlawful processing; they also have the right to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to its processing.

Any request shall be sent directly to the Data Controller, through the contact channels provided above.



The management procedures outlined below refer to this website in relation to the processing of personal data of the users visiting it and interacting with the services and web pages that may be accessed via the Internet starting from the address:


which corresponds to the website Homepage.

The notice only refers to the website indicated above, and its parts. This notice cannot be extended to other websites or pages not belonging to this website (including those that users may visit also via direct links from this website).


The website contains direct link widgets to “Facebook”, “Twitter” , and “YouTube”. Using these links entails exiting the RCM S.p.A. domain, and therefore accessing such platforms through the links in this website will be the sole responsibility of the user.

These components may use cookies directly generated by the server of the above-mentioned platforms and their partners: in our capacity as publisher, we are not able to provide a suitable notice on the use of cookies by service providers / dealers.

In this respect, please go to the following reference links: